U.S. Can Never Justify Screening and Distribution of Reactionary Movie : Policy Department of NDC of DPRK

Juche 103 (2014)/12/27 KCNA(Korean Central News Agency) [조선어] [日本語]


Pyongyang, December 27 (KCNA) — The spokesman for the Policy Department of the National Defence Commission (NDC) of the DPRK Saturday issued a statement denouncing the U.S. for screening even dishonest and reactionary movie hurting the dignity of the supreme leadership of the DPRK and agitating terrorism while groundlessly linking the unheard-of hacking at the Sony Pictures Entertainment to the DPRK.

The statement said that much scared at the hacking attack of justice made by the “guardians of peace”, the Sony Pictures Entertainment hastily suspended the screening of the above-said movie. But at the zealous prodding of the U.S. administration and wicked conservative forces, it again buckled down to distributing the movie, failing to guess a miserable fate to be faced by it in the future, it added:

U.S. President Obama is the chief culprit who forced the Sony Pictures Entertainment to “indiscriminately distribute” the movie and took the lead in appeasing and blackmailing cinema houses and theatres in the U.S. mainland to distribute the movie.

Obama always goes reckless in words and deeds like a monkey in a tropical forest. When the Sony Pictures Entertainment made public a statement that it would give up the distribution of the movie, frightened by the merciless retaliatory strike, Obama urged it to unconditionally screen the movie, claiming that the disgrace suffered by Sony Pictures Entertainment means sorrow of the U.S., why did it issue such a statement as holding a white flag without informing the president of it?, it is the violation of the freedom of expression and a threat to the security of the U.S. and it is necessary to make symmetric counteraction, considering the hacking attack was made by “north Korea”, though it is not clear who was behind it, the statement said, and went on:(more)


[Korea Info]

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